Rescuers: Officers Sean Allebrand and Sgt. Michael Lebetz
Location of SCA: Upper St. Clair Township, PA
Date: May 22, 2024
“While on patrol, I received a dispatch to respond to the residence where a 76-year-old man was having a heart attack. I responded immediately and began chest compressions as Sgt. Lebetz attached the ZOLL® AED that we keep in our vehicles. Two shocks were delivered, the [victim’s] pulse came back, and medics transported him to St. Clair Hospital.
“Rapid intervention and getting an AED to the scene very quickly [helped lead to a positive outcome.] It’s also important to remain calm, communicate effectively with others, and make sure you are familiar with AEDs. In this case, it was reassuring to have others on the scene who were calm and responsive to directions.”