Massimo Caselli, 64, SCA survivor

Camparboli, Asciano, Italy

A roundabout in the Italian countryside

October 2023

“I saw a police officer waving his arms and calling for help near a van on the side of the road. When I reached them, we moved a passenger, Massimo Caselli, to the ground and I started CPR. Dario Tolone, Luca Barbi, Vincenzo Borghi, Massimo Rossi and I (Fabio Pasquinuzzi) took turns delivering compressions. Another police officer arrived with a ZOLL® AED. I applied the electrodes and the AED delivered a defibrillating shock. When rescuers took over and transported him to the hospital, Massimo appeared to be breathing on his own.” 

— Fabio Pasquinuzzi, ecological operator and SCA rescuer